I am sure you will agree when I say that being dumped totally sucks! There you are all in love with the “perfect” guy, fantasizing about a fantastic future together, dreaming of passion and endless love, and then BAM! He tells you he is seeing somebody else.
All of a sudden life doesn’t make sense any more. Now it is definitely time to wonder whether it was your fault. You position yourself in front of the mirror, thinking it might have been those 3 pounds you’ve put on lately. Of course, you also have to admit that you have been a little too needy and clingy. Oh, and that dress you were wearing the other night … unacceptable.
I could go on with this list forever. Coz, let’s face it! That’s something women usually do: We think we are the reason men don’t want us.
I feel incredibly honored to be able to solve one of the greatest mysteries of “woman”kind today: It is nobody’s fault! If a relationship (of any kind) doesn’t work out, it doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you, girls! It just means that two people who thought they might work out don’t. Trust me girls, it’s a good thing to find that out sooner or later. Why waste your precious time on some guy who doesn’t really qualify to be the ONE!
My advice: Get yourself some tan, dress up nicely and walk through life as if nothing and nobody could ever hurt you or mess with your smile. Never forget: It’s not other people responsible for you being happy, it’s YOU! Love will come your way, even if it takes a little while sometimes! (trust me on this one! I am speaking from experience here )
Oh, and if you wake up and feel absolutely devastated because nothing seems to work out, just put on some real good music and DANCE it out!
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